Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Big Windy on the move

"Big Windy" is just one of our fond nicknames for the CH-47 Chinook helicopters. The first four launched from the airfield this morning for the 3 hour flight to port. We'll be moving some every day until all have safely arrived there. If I can, I'll try and get a picture or two of the aircraft being loaded into the hold. The Chinook carries a crew of four - Pilot, CoPilot, Crew Chief and Flight Engineer - and can carry about 35 troops with all their stuff. A Humvee will fit inside the cargo bay and it can lift a huge amount externally. Quite a flying machine...

One of my favorite young soldiers, Derrick Larson, was promoted to SGT tonight. It's quite a step for a young man to become a Non Commissioned Officer. Real responsibility and leadership - all that good stuff. Derrick and his brother, Braden, have been members of the Iowa National Guard for several years, and are just another example of a family commitment to defending America.

Lois and the kids are doing pretty well at home, all things considered. Ranger the newest of the Wonder Dog line, is recovering nicely from ACL surgery earlier this year, and has resumed his perch on the back of the couch growling at squirrels and rabbits out the window. Laura is interning for a groomer in Hudson as part of her course at Hawkeye Community College, and Carrie and Mikey are living the high small town life in Readlyn, about 30 miles north of Cedar Falls.

I just finished Oliver North's book, "American Heroes in the fight against radical Islam". If you haven't seen the war from other than the mainstream media side, give it a look. There are many inspiring individual stories of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and National Guardsmen and women included, as well as his perspective on the progress made in Iraq over the last five years. It may give you pause - it cleared up some things for me.

God Bless America,


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