Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ft Rucker Vacation


I never thought I'd be this tickled to be at Ft Rucker, Alabama. We flew in this evening for a 34th Combat Aviation Brigade training event the next 10 days. We're staying at a local motel - my own room, air conditioning that works, hot water, real food, all those things I usually take for granted.....

Nice chartered flight from Lawton, OK to Dothan, AL - no intermediate stops, no TSA lines, just got on and got off, grabbed a rental and headed for the motel. I'm hyped up on diet Coke, so bear with me.

Father's Day tomorrow - just one of all the holidays I'm going to miss with my family this year - I miss you all very, very much.

Well, gotta go check Army stuff on my email. Don't forget to write when you find the time. I'm always glad to hear from you. I'll have pretty good internet access the next 10 days, so I promise to answer.

I may get leave from 13-18 July before I go to Kuwait. I'll keep you posted on this blog.

Watch this space.....

Later, Dave


Lois said...

I'm happy you're at Ft. Rucker...I can't believe it! I'd rather have you home of course.

mikesnutts said...

Dave Call me I live here just off of the Boll Weevil Cir.
Mike Nuttall
(931) 206-6398

Sara Lou said...

I'm Loving/Missing/Praying/THinking... YOU Unca Dave!!!!!!

Sara Tim & the GIRLYS!
(Happy Father's Day!)