Howdy all.
I thought I'd start this blog instead of bugging everyone via email. For now, I have pretty good internet service, but we'll see what it's like overseas. Please feel free to share this site with anyone who might give a rip.
Gosh, it's hot. How hot? Hotter than a three dollar Rolex - Hotter than a stiffed waitress, that's how....
95 degrees today - it's about 90 in our room - the A/C doesn't...
We're doing pretty well, all things considered. Went through another screening and I fooled 'em one last time... We drew all our new swoopy go-to-war stuff yesterday. It was a long, hot one, but another block is checked..
I'm going to work with the Battalion Support Ops section as the Aviation Logistics Officer. What that means is that I'll track the aircraft status reports from all the battalions in our Combat Aviation Brigade and help them get repair parts, special tools, support equipment, etc, etc, etc.... I get to work with all the Battalion Aviation Maintenance Officers pretty much every day. We're doing modifications to the aircraft and trying to fit it all in while they continue their flight training for the desert.
I'll be going to Kuwait around the 20th of July, (about three weeks ahead of our advance party), to coordinate all the dock operations - unloading aircraft, building them back up, getting them through Maintenance Test Flights and off to the Kuwaiti training area. I'm not sure if I'll get any leave before that or not - sure hope so.
There are about 30 of us from the brigade going to an Aviation Training Exercise at Ft Rucker, Alabama on Saturday. We'll be there for 10 days (real hotel livin', with real A/C. Yee Ha!) and come back on the evening of the 23rd.
Try and stay dry, dodge the twisters and party on!
Great idea, Dave! We're praying for you (even though you'd never know it cause we never call, write, or visit :( )
Wow! I love that your doing this too! It's really cool cause I can send the blog to other people and they can read it too! I will be checking everyday!! :)
nice stash...
You made me cry ya big lug! I miss you too...a does Ranger.
I'm glad you're blogging dad! Sure sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. Wow you are going early! I didn't think it would be that soon. Oh well I guess the sooner you go over the sooner you can come home!
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